Pengusaha Rumah Gelap

Pengusaha Rumah Gelap
Rumah Gelap Simbol Kejayaan dan Kekayaan Pemilik

Swiftlet Hunter


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Newcastle disease in Israel

ISRAEL - The Israeli veterinary authorities have reported an outbreak of Newcastle disease in Hadarom.

The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) received an immediate notification yesterday, 27 September. The affected population comprises 5 to 7-week-old broilers. The flock has been divided into four pens. All the pens were affected.

A total of 10,5000 birds were found susceptible to the disease, out of which 4500 were identified. A total of 1500 deaths was recorded, and 10,3500 birds were destroyed.
The source of the outbreak remains inconclusive. The epidemiological investigation is ongoing.New outbreaks
Outbreak 1 (Kfar Yeoshua)Kfar Yehoshua, Yizreel, HAZAFON
Date of start of the outbreak14/12/2010
Outbreak statusResolved (22/03/2011)
Epidemiological unitVillage
Affected animals
Affected PopulationFirst outbreak on 14 December 2010 in 29,000 30-day-old broilers.                 Second outbreak on 20 April 2011 in 14,000 33-day-old broilers.
Summary of outbreaksTotal outbreaks: 1
Outbreak statistics
SpeciesApparent morbidity rateApparent mortality rateApparent case fatality rateProportion susceptible animals lost*

* Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter

Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
  • Unknown or inconclusive
Epidemiological commentsAll 7,000 birds were grown on one farm. On 11 December, 3,000 birds were moved to an adjacent (200 meters) farm. On 14 December, the farmer reported an increase in mortality. The farm veterinarian visited the two farms. On the first farm there were respiratory signs in all birds and 10 birds exhibited neurological signs. No clinical signs were seen on the second farm.
Tracheal and cloacal swabs were submitted to the laboratory for viral isolation and RRT-PCR. All birds on both farms are in the process of being culled.
There was no movement of animals or animal products out of the sites.

Reducing Effects of Heat Stress in Poultry

UK - Supplementing layer feed with acetic acidLeghorn may provide an effective, cost-efficient method of achieving significant reductions in the negative effects of heat-stress, resulting in major improvements in egg production and quality, according to Anitox, a world-leader in pathogen elimination and mould control products for the feed milling and primary meat, egg and fish production industries.
High environmental temperatures can have a significant detrimental impact on laying hen performance, reducing feed intake, egg production and quality, as well as increasing mortality. Alleviating the effects of high environmental temperatures can therefore significantly improve flock performance and profitability," explains Alan Doyle, BVMS, MRCVS the company’s European Business Development Manager.     There are so many many drug put into poultry feed that related to the cancel..... WAN ZUL

wan zul dict.


  • Pathology a quantitative deficiency of the hemoglobin,often accompanied by a reduced number of red blood cellsand causing pallor, weakness, and breathlessness.
  • a lack of power, vigor, vitality, or colorfulness: His writingsuffers from anemia.

  • death of soft tissue due to obstructedcirculation, usually followed by decomposition and putrefaction.
Necrosis   nekros or necro "deadbody" Death: necrobiosis.

  • death of a portion of tissue differentially affectedby local injury (as loss of blood supply, corrosion, burning, or thelocal lesion of a disease)
  • death of a circumscribed portion of animal or plant tissue. 
      natural death of tissue is called necrobiosis  Necrosis may follow a wide variety of   
     injuries, both physical(cuts, burns, bruises) and biological (effects of disease-
     causingagents). The sign of necrosis-dead tissue-is called a lesion; it isoften of 
     diagnostic value. Necrosis is brought about byintracellular enzymes that are activated 
     upon injury and proceedto destroy damaged cells.Death of a circumscribed area of 
     plant or animal tissue as a resultof an outside agent;.

     The sign of necrosis-dead tissue-is called a lesion.

Phal·lus·es  or Phal·li  (fāl'ī')
  1.  The penis or clitoris of vetebrates.

West Bengal culling operation ends

WEST BENGAL, INDIA - Culling operation has been completed in the Betai and Puntimari areas of Tehatta-I and the authorities are now carrying out sanitation work by using bleaching powder and calcium bicarbonate dust for disinfecting those areas from where the birds were collected.