Bring you the biggest expo on famous brands of animal products
Brand Animal Products Expo 2012 is a trade fair showcasing multi-product of Animal in China . With exhibitors displaying diverse range of products from the entire length and breadth of the country, Brand Animal Products Expo 2012 will truly be a showcase of the strengths of the entire animal products industry and also promises to be a platform for immense opportunities for buyers to meet leading and famous animal products brand enterprises under one roof which will yield profitable results and links to a diversified market, hence leading to a steady and concrete business alliance between the buyers and sellers. It is also the platform that let more and more sales channels know the operating status of animal products brands at home and abroad. CAAA promises to hold a unique fair that brings together China 's best animal products all under one roof.
To fully implement the central government's overall deployment of “ Stabilize growth, expand domestic demand, promote consumption, curb inflation and improve social welfare ”, establish a public health security system and a sound animal products market based on honest business management, encourage companies to fulfill their social commitment, promote consumption security and brand construction, showcase the whole producing and processing process, guide a healthy and scientific consumption concept and promote communication between brand companies and buyers, the Second China Excellent Animal Products Brand Expo (2012) will be co-hosted by CAAA and the Marketing Committee of China Green Food Association at Nanjing International Exhibition Center from May 18 to 20, 2012, in conjunction with the tenth China Animal Husbandry Expo(CAHE). Notices about some related issues are as follows:
________________________________________________ Some major products which are going to be displayed at the Brand Animal Products Expo 2012 will include:
• Showcasing Corporate Images
• Promote Excellent Brand
• Safeguard Food Security _________________________________________________ Date:May 18th – 20th, 2012Venue:
Pavilion A1, Nanjing International Exhibition Center
Standard booth (36squms at least)
CNY 500/1sqm
_________________________________________________ What is special of 2012 Brand Animal Products Expo?
1. Special design show of enterprises with excellent animal products brands;
2. Live experience of safely processing of animal products;
3. Onsite cooking and food taste, sales of products, culture promotion and etc.;
4. Special Purchasing Day on May 18: Distributors like Macdonald, KFC, Pizza Hut and other chain stores and supermarkets like RT-Mart, Wal-Mart, and Lotus will be present to purchase commodities;
5. Animal Products Security Day on May 19: Onsite vote for the most popular animal products brand (Vote once for each type of products), and vote for the best organizing enterprise;
_____________________________________________________________ Contact:China Animal Agriculture Association
Address: 9F, A Building, Times Fortune Center, No.6 Shuguang Xili Jia, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Post Code: 100028
Contact person : Liu Dandan(13436653060) Liu Qiangde(13601097030)
Tel: 010-58677700-855 Fax: 010-58677809
E-mail: Website:
Beijing Lucky Time Advertizing Co, Ltd
Address: Rm602 Taifu Building, No.10 Dewai St Yi, Xicheng District, Beijing
Post Code: 100120
Contact person : Li Ping(13126729705) Shi Yunfei(13011028687)
Li Ming(13801101712)
Tel: 010-62012140 Fax :62063316
Meneroka, membina dan memajukan kemahiran Baru Dalam Bidang "swiftlet farming".
Pengusaha Rumah Gelap
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Rumah Gelap Simbol Kejayaan dan Kekayaan Pemilik
Swiftlet Hunter
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Bring you the biggest expo on famous brands of animal products
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Rapid Brain Degeneration disease U.S
Mad Cow Disease Found in U.S. Cow
By CARRIE GANN and DAN CHILDS | Good Morning America – 11 hours ago
The Department of Agriculture today confirmed a case of mad cow disease found in a dairy cow in central California.
In a press briefing today, John Clifford, the USDA's chief veterinary officer, said the cow's meat did not enter the food supply and the carcass will be destroyed.
The animal was found at a rendering facility run by Baker Commodities in Hanford, Calif. The disease was discovered when the company selected the cow for random sampling, Baker Commodities executive vice president Dennis Luckey told The Associated Press.
The Agriculture Department confirmed today that the cow is the fourth discovered in the United States to test positive for the disease, but stressed that consumers were not at risk because the animal was not bound for the food supply.
"There is really no concern for alarm here with regards to this animal," Clifford said. "Both human health and animal health are protected with regards to this issue."
Government officials were quick to reassure the public that the finding posed no threat to humans.
"The beef and dairy in the American food supply is safe and USDA remains confident in the health of U.S. cattle," Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a statement. "The systems and safeguards in place to protect animal and human health worked as planned to identify this case quickly, and will ensure that it presents no risk to the food supply or to human health. USDA has no reason to believe that any other U.S. animals are currently affected, but we will remain vigilant and committed to the safeguards in place."
The Food and Drug Administration pledged to "work with the USDA to fully investigate the feed supply as part of the epidemiological investigation." And the USDA said in a statement that milk does not transmit mad cow disease.
This is the fourth case of mad cow disease in the U.S. cattle supply since December 2003. The first U.S. BSE case was in 2003, found in a Washington state dairy cow that had been slaughtered. The second case was found in June 2005 in a cow in Texas, and the third was found in a cow in Alabama in 2006.
The case today was discovered as part of the USDA's regular surveillance program of U.S. cattle. No other cases have been reported yet, and Dr. William Schaffner, chair of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University, said it's unlikely that more cows will be infected. "Mad cow occurs in animals as it does in humans -- rarely and sporadically. At this point, I would not expect there to be another cow to be found," he said.
Mad cow disease, otherwise known as variant Cruetzfeld Jakob (vCJD) disease, affects the brain and spine of an animal. Those body parts are kept out of grocery stores and restaurants and have no contact with the meat that does make its way to consumers.
While many diseases are caused by bacteria and viruses, mad cow disease is caused by a transmissible protein called a prion, according to the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While the function of these proteins in nature is unknown, what is known is that they act on the human nervous system to cause rapid brain degeneration.
Those who have the disease tend to experience a progressive neurological or psychiatric disorder that lasts longer than six months with symptoms including dementia, seizure, unusual sensory symptoms, dizziness, or progressive unusual mood changes. The illness usually lasts 14 months, and the disease is always fatal. As of last year, 221 cases of probable vCJD had been reported. This includes 172 in the United Kingdom, 25 in France, five in Spain, four in Ireland and three in the United States, with a smattering of cases in other countries around the world. The patients that were diagnosed in the United States were thought to have been infected while they were residing in the UK or living abroad in Saudi Arabia.
No humans have ever been reported to have been infected with mad cow disease in the United States, but fears of the disease became prominent in the 1990s when nearly 150 people in Britain died from the brain-wasting disease.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Hutang Malaysia 100% KDNK Menjelang 2019. Sila Kurangkan Kakitangan Awam!!
Sekitar 2 tahun lepas ketika negara dikejutkan dengan pengumuman Datuk Seri Idris Jala (CEO Pemandu) yang mengatakan Malaysia akan bankrappada tahun 2019. Menurut kajian yang dijalankan oleh Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Malaysia akan mencapai bankrap apabila :
- Hutang Kerajaan > 100% daripada KDNK
- Defisit fiskal> 10% daripada KDNK
Pendapat seperti ini disuarakan & diperingatkan sekali lagi oleh salah seorang pakar ekonomi, Professor Emeritus Datuk Dr Mohamed Ariff bin Abdul Kareem mengenai keadaan ekonomi Malaysia ketika ini.
Hutang Negara & GDP Sama Menjelang 2019 Jika Putrajaya terus boros
Hutang Malaysia akan mencecah 100 peratus Keluaran dalam negara kasar (KDNK) menjelang 2019 sekiranya Putrajaya berterusan meminjam lebih daripada hasil pendapatan, kata pakar ekonomi. Bekas pengarah ekskutif Institut Penyelidikan Ekonomi Malaysia (MIER) Mohamad Ariff Abdul Kareem mengingatkan bahawa kadar perolehan pendapatan kerajaan pusat terlalu perlahan dan tidak mampu membayar pinjaman yang meningkat 53.1 peratus KDNK pada 2010.
Beliau berkata jumlah hutang ditanggung kerajaan tidak terlalu besar namun kadar pertumbuhan dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini menimbulkan kebimbangan. Nisbah hutang-KDNK meningkat dari 41.1 peratus pada 2008 kepada 53.1 peratus pada 2010 manakala hutang kerajaan bertambah 14.6 peratus pada 2008 dan 18.3 peratus pada 2010, jauh mengatasi pertumbuhan KDNK negara, tambah Mohamad Ariff.“Jika tiada perancangan untuk mengubah trend ini dalam perbelanjaan dan hasil negara, hutang negara akan mencecah 100 peratus KDNK menjelang 2019. “Sekiranya pertumbuhan hutang semakin laju, ini boleh berlaku tidak lama lagi,” katanya melalui emel kepada The Malaysian Insider.Mohamad Ariff menjelaskan ketika kerajaan mengambil langkah rangsangan fiskal untuk menghadapi krises ekonomi dunia yang mana ia digunakan untuk pembangunan infrastruktur terdapat keperluan untuk mengurangkan perkhidmatan awam, yang menjadi asas pengurusan perbelanjaan Putrajaya. Katanya perkhidmatan awam Malaysia – terbesar setiap kapita di Asia Pasifik mengikut OECD – meningkat dari 23.3 peratus pada 2007 operasi bajet kepada 33.1 peratus pada 2010, meningkat kepada 41.6 peratus pada 2010 jika bayaran pencen dimasukkan.Ini adalah beban kewangan utama kerajaan iaitu daripada kos berlebihan, pembaziran dan rasuah yang didedahkan setiap tahun oleh Ketua Audit Negara, kata seorang profesor dari Pusat Pendidikan Kewangan Islam Antarabangsa (INCEIF).“Ia satu keperluan untuk kerajaan mengawal perbelanjaan yang mana ia termasuk mengurangkan perkhidmatan awam, membawa kerajaan untuk meningkatkan ketelusan dan tanggungjawab serta melaksanakan reformasi kutipan cukai untuk mendapat pendapatan,” kata Mohamad Ariff. Ketua Pakar Ekonomi RAM Holdings Bhd Dr Yeah Kim Leng berkata Putrajaya perlu mempunyai “kemahuan politik” untuk melaksanakan Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP), yang bertujuan untuk menhentikan kenaikan defisit.“Kita mesti melakukannya secara konsisten kerana (defisit fiskal) merupakan kelemahan utama ekonomi Malaysia,” katanya. Yeah berkata Malaysia akan berada dalam kedudukan terbaik untuk mengurangkan defisit fiskal untuk jangka masa panjang jika Putrajaya kekal melaksanakan rancangan itu tetapi mengingatkan ia berdasarkan pertumbuhan tahunan KDNK antara lima hingga enam peratus. Ini kerana mana-mana kelembapan ekonomi yang berlaku akan mendorong berlakunya potongan gaji dan kadar pengangguran lebih tinggi, yang akan memberikan impak negatif kepada hasil cukai, katanya.
Umno minister denies paying actress, threatens to sue
Breaking a week-long silence, an Umno minister has denied claims that he was paying huge sums of money to a local actress allegedly in an “intimate relationship” with him.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Bantahan dari pengusaha ladang burung walet
BUKIT MERTAJAM 18 April - Hampir 200 pengusaha sarang burung walet mendesak Kerajaan Pusat campur tangan berhubung isu wujudnya monopoli pihak tertentu dalam aktiviti mengeksport sarang burung walet ke China.
Mereka mendakwa wujud sebuah syarikat besar menjadi satu-satunya syarikat bagi mengeksport produk itu ke negara berkenaan hingga menyebabkan pengusaha kecil menanggung kerugian besar.
Wakil pengusaha burung walet itu, Ang Bak Khoon berkata, selepas kerajaan China membekukan pengeksportan sarang burung walet dari Malaysia setahun lalu, industri burung walet di negara ini mula tenat apabila produk dikeluarkan tidak dapat dijual seperti biasa.
Bagaimanapun katanya, selepas pembekuan itu ditarik balik baru-baru itu, ia telah memberi nafas baru kepada pengusaha burung walet untuk kembali aktif mengeluarkan sarang burung walet berkualiti tinggi.
"Namun beberapa hari lalu, saya menerima khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) daripada seorang rakan dari China yang memberitahu, dia tidak boleh lagi membawa masuk sarang burung walet dari Malaysia ke sana kerana disekat pihak kastam negara itu.
"Ini kerana China hanya membenarkan sarang burung walet dari negara ini dibawa masuk ke sana sekiranya mempunyai surat kebenaran daripada sebuah syarikat di Malaysia," katanya kepada pemberita semasa mengadakan pertemuan dengan pengusaha sarang burung walet di Taman Limau Manis, di sini hari ini.
"Perkara itu menunjukkan syarikat berkenaan mendapat kuasa daripada pihak tertentu sehingga membolehkan ia berjaya memonopoli aktiviti pengeksportan produk sarang burung walet ke China.
"Disebabkan rasa tidak puas hati berhubung perkara ini, kami akan menghantar memorandum kepada Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak semasa beliau menghadiri satu majlis di Pulau Pinang pada Ahad ini dengan harapan masalah ini dapat diselesaikan dengan baik," katanya.
Mereka mendakwa wujud sebuah syarikat besar menjadi satu-satunya syarikat bagi mengeksport produk itu ke negara berkenaan hingga menyebabkan pengusaha kecil menanggung kerugian besar.
Wakil pengusaha burung walet itu, Ang Bak Khoon berkata, selepas kerajaan China membekukan pengeksportan sarang burung walet dari Malaysia setahun lalu, industri burung walet di negara ini mula tenat apabila produk dikeluarkan tidak dapat dijual seperti biasa.
Bagaimanapun katanya, selepas pembekuan itu ditarik balik baru-baru itu, ia telah memberi nafas baru kepada pengusaha burung walet untuk kembali aktif mengeluarkan sarang burung walet berkualiti tinggi.
"Namun beberapa hari lalu, saya menerima khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) daripada seorang rakan dari China yang memberitahu, dia tidak boleh lagi membawa masuk sarang burung walet dari Malaysia ke sana kerana disekat pihak kastam negara itu.
"Ini kerana China hanya membenarkan sarang burung walet dari negara ini dibawa masuk ke sana sekiranya mempunyai surat kebenaran daripada sebuah syarikat di Malaysia," katanya kepada pemberita semasa mengadakan pertemuan dengan pengusaha sarang burung walet di Taman Limau Manis, di sini hari ini.
Menurut Bak Khoon, maklumat diterima daripada individu itu menunjukkan urusan pengeksportan sarang burung walet ke China hanya boleh dilakukan melalui syarikat tersebut sahaja.
"Perkara itu menunjukkan syarikat berkenaan mendapat kuasa daripada pihak tertentu sehingga membolehkan ia berjaya memonopoli aktiviti pengeksportan produk sarang burung walet ke China.
"Disebabkan rasa tidak puas hati berhubung perkara ini, kami akan menghantar memorandum kepada Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak semasa beliau menghadiri satu majlis di Pulau Pinang pada Ahad ini dengan harapan masalah ini dapat diselesaikan dengan baik," katanya.
Walaupun pengusaha sarang burung walet sekitar 200,000 ribu orang tetapi jumlah itu akan mengugat sokongan kepada BN dalam PRU 13 yang akan diadakan bila- bila masa.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
PKR persoal 'bayaran RM1.5j' menteri pada artis wanita
PKR persoal 'bayaran RM1.5j' menteri pada artis wanita
S Pathmawathy 5:59PM Apr 18, 2012 |
PKR hari ini mengetengahkan laporan polis mendakwa terdapat seorang menteri pusat membayar sehingga RM1.5 juta kepada seorang pelakon wanita popular dalam tempoh empat bulan "hubungan intim" mereka.
Laporan polis itu didakwa dibuat oleh Noor Azman Azemi, 38, pada 13 Mac di balai polis Ampang selepas artis itu dikatakan mendakwnya melarikan diri dengan wang sebanyak RM200,000.
Saudaranya dikatakan memberikan salinan itu kepada anggota parlimen Ampang Zuraida Kamaruddin yang kemudiannya mendedahkan kandungannya kepada pemberita di lobi Parlimen dan mempersoalkan sumber dana menteri itu.
Zuraida mendakwa artis itu menerima RM58,000 pada Oktober lalu, RM112,000 pada November, RM330,000 pada Disember dan RM510,000 pada Januari tahun ini.
Saudaranya dikatakan memberikan salinan itu kepada anggota parlimen Ampang Zuraida Kamaruddin yang kemudiannya mendedahkan kandungannya kepada pemberita di lobi Parlimen dan mempersoalkan sumber dana menteri itu.
Zuraida mendakwa artis itu menerima RM58,000 pada Oktober lalu, RM112,000 pada November, RM330,000 pada Disember dan RM510,000 pada Januari tahun ini.
PKR questions minister's 'RM1.5mil payout' to actress
PKR has picked up on a police report that claims a federal minister had paid a popular local actress up to RM1.5 million in four months of their “intimate relationship” that has spanned three years
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Malaysia and China ink MoU on agriculture products
Made In China by CHOW HOW BAN
MALAYSIA will now have to change its marketing strategy to sell its agriculture products in China.
The Malaysian swiftlet industry has been hit badly following a ban by the Chinese authorities on the bird’s nest products from Malaysia which contained high nitrite levels in contravention of China’s health standards last August.
After the intervention of prime ministers from both countries, China finally agreed to lift its ban on the bird’s nest imports if the nitrite levels are below 30ppm (parts per million). The health ministries of China and Malaysia are now working out the protocol for the implementation of the new standard.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Malaysia to ink bird’s nest pact
MUAR: Malaysia will sign the draft protocol on bird's nest entry into China soon to resume export of the luxury item which was halted several months ago.
Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Noh Omar said the three main conditions for the resumption of bird's nest export to China had been agreed upon in the latest negotiations between the countries.
He said among the conditions were that Malaysian bird's nest exporters must have the Radio Frequency Identification certificate issued by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission to detect the locations of problematic bird's nests using radio wave frequency.
They must also have the Veterinary Department's and the Health Ministry's health certificates.
“The measures are to ensure bird's nest products for export to China are not only from healthy birds but the product is also safe for consumption,” Noh said when opening the Bakri Parliamentary Constituency Farmers' Organisation annual general meeting at Maktab Rendah Sains Mara in Muar here.
At the event, he also witnessed the signing of a bird's nest purchasing agreement between Syarikat Duta Sialin Biotechnology Sdn Bhd and eight farmers' organisations.
The organisations are from Pagoh (Johor), Tanjung Karang (Selangor), south Manjung (Perak), Bandar Baharu (Kedah), Gua Musang (Kelantan) Terengganu and Sabah.
He said the halt in the entry of Malaysian bird's nest into China resulted in many operators facing problems.
“The market price of bird's nest plunged from RM4,000 to only RM1,500 per kilo. Many faced problems in servicing their bank loans,” he said. - Bernama
Friday, April 6, 2012
5 Possible Bird Flu Cases in S. Sulawesi
, 2012
Five people from a remote village in Gowa district, South Sulawesi, were rushed to the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital in Makassar late on Monday under suspicion that they had contracted the avian flu virus.
The hospital’s medical service director Khalid said on Tuesday that the five, who lived in the same village and included two babies less than 7 months old, had not tested positive for the H5N1 virus but said they had been showing symptoms similar to those infected.
“We have taken their blood and saliva samples to be tested in our laboratory,” the doctor said. The results should be available on Thursday.
The hospital’s medical service director Khalid said on Tuesday that the five, who lived in the same village and included two babies less than 7 months old, had not tested positive for the H5N1 virus but said they had been showing symptoms similar to those infected.
“We have taken their blood and saliva samples to be tested in our laboratory,” the doctor said. The results should be available on Thursday.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
EU Lifts Ban on Fresh Poultry Meat from Thailand
EU - The EU Member States has supported the Commission's proposal to lift the restrictions on import of fresh poultry meat from Thailand from 1 July 2012.On 3 April, the Commission had adopted protection measures in early 2004 to suspend imports into the EU of fresh poultry meat and other poultry products from Thailand following outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza of the H5N1 subtype (HPAI H5N1).
In response to the original protection measures, Thailand implemented a rigorous policy to stamp-out the pathogen, including intensive surveillance and quick elimination of infected animals, and as a result successfully eradicated HPAI H5N1 from its territory.
The HPAI H5N1 epidemic had started in South East Asia in mid 2003 and the virus spread in the following years to three continents including Europe, affecting overall more than 60 countries.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Baka kambing susu terbaik
Sesiapa yang berminat dengan baka kambing susu terbaik di DUNIA dan sesuai dengan cuaca di MALAYSIA hubungi WanZul 0134419070
Penjantan kacukan seanen |
British Alphine |
Penjantan eaglo nubian |
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Baka tulen saenen |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Swiftlet farming contributes substantially to GNI
The Malaysian swiftlet nest industry makes up 20% of the global market share and we compete with a high number of fakes and adulterated swiftlet nests from neighbouring countries. Therefore the second project within this EPP is the swiftlet nests production in Malaysia to high value markets in China, Japan and Taiwan.
A total of 60% out of 980 birds’ nest houses and processing plants are currently using the system. The authority is currently negotiating with China for the level of acceptable nitrite. Once the import ban by China is lifted, Malaysia’s swiftlet nest exports done via the Swiftlet Nest Online Traceability System will have added security to ensure authenticity of birds’ nest from Malaysia.
highly pathogenic avian influenza at a farm in Yunnan.
CHINA - The Chinese veterinary authority have reported an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza at a farm in Yunnan.
The china received Follow-up Report No. 1 on Saturday, 31 March.
Out of 35018 susceptible birds, two cases were reported. All susceptible birds were destroyed.
The source of the outbreak remains inconclusive. The China, in conjunction with the competent authorities, have applied several measures to contain the situation.
Out of 35018 susceptible birds, two cases were reported. All susceptible birds were destroyed.
The source of the outbreak remains inconclusive. The China, in conjunction with the competent authorities, have applied several measures to contain the situation.
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