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Swiftlet Hunter
Monday, July 30, 2012
Jualan sulong sarang proses
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Mexico declares emergency over new bird flu outbreak
The Mexican government has declared a national animal health emergency in the wake of a new outbreak of bird flu that has affected some 1.7 million fowl, leaving around 870,000 dead.
“We have activated a national animal health emergency with the goal of diagnosing, preventing, controlling and eradicating the Type A, sub-type H7N3 bird flu virus,” the country’s agriculture ministry said.
The declaration implies that farmers would have to quarantine and slaughter the infected birds. Contaminated products are to be destroyed, while unaffected poultry are to be vaccinated.
It is unclear how many of the 870,000 dead birds were culled by farmers or killed by the virus.
The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization also confirmed the outbreak of the epidemic.
The H7N3 virus was detected in the western state of Jalisco, Mexico’s largest chicken-farming region, which produces 11 per cent of the country’s poultry meat and 50 per cent of its eggs.
With poultry farming making up 40 per cent of the country’s total livestock production, the economic loss from the epidemic “is and will be irreparable,” the agriculture ministry stated.
Health officials in the country have been on high alert since the 2009 outbreak of the H1N1 virus, dubbed “swine flu.” That virus grew into a global pandemic and killed up to 17,000 people. Although there have been cases of humans being infected with the H7N3 virus elsewhere in the world, the bird flu virus is not as readily contagious as H1N1.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Masih dalam ujian
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Padang rumput
Setelah 6 bulan penggunaan, Hasil sangat positif. Inovasi dalamteknik memikat burung walet tetap memberi kelebihan dan menjadikan anda lebih kompetitif yang akan meninggal saigan jauh ke belakang.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Simple Inovasi
Nampak simple je, tapi sangat berkesan untuk memikat walet muda. Kemahiran berfikir secara kritikal sangat di perlukan dalam dunia perlandangan walet sekarang kerana persaingan semakin sengit terutama kepada yang masih baru dalam bidang Animal Farming.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Simple Enovasi
Nampak simple tapi bermanfaat, begitu juga dalam industri burung walet anda perlu berfikir untuk membuat inovasi bagi mendahului saingan anda supaya terusss survive dalam perladangan burung walet.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Harga sarang burung walet masih rendah lagi
Tiada apa yang menarik tentang perladangan burung walet, sekiranya harga masih dibawah Rm 2000. Bagi mendapat sarang gred A yang hanya berharga sekitar Rm 1600 - 1800 adalah terlalu sukar kerana pemilihan untuk gred tersebut adalah lebih teliti dan rata2 pengusaha hanya layak mendapat sarang gred B dan C. DALAM keadaan sekarang kebanyakkan pengusaha mengeluh mendapat hasil jualan yang CIPUTberbanding dulu. Bertahan dan pandai2lah menyelamat RBW anda daripada tergadai kepada pihak lain kerana tidak mampu membayar balik pinjaman bank.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Teknik tepat dan cepat
Sunday, July 8, 2012
No Farmers, No Food, No Future
GLOBAL - In the wake of the Rio Conference for Sustainable Development, Copa-Cogeca welcomes the fact that sustainable agriculture and food security were considered a priority. Copa-Cogeca urges heads of state to agree on a text which recognises the important contribution farmers can make to sustainable development through environmentally sound production practices which enhance food security and the livelihood of the poor and ensure sustained economic growth.
In view of growing world food demand and limited resources, Copa-Cogeca wants to see a committed outcome to the Rio+ Conference which sets the path towards a green economy, in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication and considers green growth as the way to using resources more efficiently without reducing profitability or production capacity.
It leads to improved food security, eradicating hunger, while conserving land, water, biodiversity and ecosystems, and enhancing resilience to climate change and natural disasters. Enhancing agricultural research, extension services, training and education to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability through the voluntary sharing of knowledge and good practices is key to this.
It leads to improved food security, eradicating hunger, while conserving land, water, biodiversity and ecosystems, and enhancing resilience to climate change and natural disasters. Enhancing agricultural research, extension services, training and education to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability through the voluntary sharing of knowledge and good practices is key to this.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Sudah ramiai yang mencuba dan ramai lagi yang masih ingin mencuba. Dengarlah nasihat saya speaker diatas tidak membantu langsung untuk menarik perhatian burung walet. Hasil tinjauan daripada 12 orang pengguna hanya 2 orang sahaja mengatakan " Tidak Pasti" and the rest said wasted the time, forget it. Aplitude dihasil sangat besar menyebabkan bunyi yang terhasilkan tidak memenuhi naluri burung walet.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Indonesian Girl Dies of Bird Flu
06 July 2012
INDONESIA - An eight-year-old Indonesia girl from Karawang of West Java died after catching avian influenza, bringing the total death toll to eight this year, Health Ministry said.
The girl died in Jakarta after being treated in a hospital in the city since 28 June.
She first got the symptom of fever on June 18 and five days later the girl went to a hospital in Karawang with symptoms of cough, fever and throat problem before she was transferred to a hospital in Jakarta.
She tested positive for H5N1 virus, which put the total death to 158 out of 190 cases since the viruses first attacked the country in 2005.
An investigation indicated that the girl had had contact with poultry as she on 12 June bought 5 chickens and cooked them. She also passed the market every day on his way to school.
Bird flu had attacked Indonesia, the hardest, since 2005, and then the attacks were eased significantly. But, it has reemerged since last year, killing nine people in 2011.
There were concerns over the bird flu attacks in the region following the reports of the death resulting from the virus in Indonesia, Cambodia, China and Viet Nam.
Indonesian Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi said last month that the country was trying to produce bird flu vaccine to a sufficient level when the pandemic took place.
She first got the symptom of fever on June 18 and five days later the girl went to a hospital in Karawang with symptoms of cough, fever and throat problem before she was transferred to a hospital in Jakarta.
She tested positive for H5N1 virus, which put the total death to 158 out of 190 cases since the viruses first attacked the country in 2005.
An investigation indicated that the girl had had contact with poultry as she on 12 June bought 5 chickens and cooked them. She also passed the market every day on his way to school.
Bird flu had attacked Indonesia, the hardest, since 2005, and then the attacks were eased significantly. But, it has reemerged since last year, killing nine people in 2011.
There were concerns over the bird flu attacks in the region following the reports of the death resulting from the virus in Indonesia, Cambodia, China and Viet Nam.
Indonesian Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi said last month that the country was trying to produce bird flu vaccine to a sufficient level when the pandemic took place.
Another new sub- type virus A. H7N3
Wabak H7N3 menular di Mexico
4 Julai 2012
Mexico isytihar darurat berikutan penularan wabak H7N3 yang kian membimbangkan.
MEXICO CITY - Mexico mengisytiharkan darurat terhadap status kesihatan haiwan selepas 1.7 juta haiwan ternakan dijangkiti wabak selsema burung.
Kementerian Pertanian dalam kenyataan memberitahu, lebih separuh ayam dan itik dijangkiti virus itu mati dan dimusnahkan.
"Kami terpaksa mengisytiharkan darurat ke atas kesihatan haiwan bagi mengawal, mencegah dan membasmi virus Type A, selesema burung Sub-Type H7N3," menurut kenyataan itu.
Kumpulan pegawai kesihatan Mexico kini dalam keadaan berwaspada bagi mengelak berulangnya wabak H1N1 yang pernah menyebabkan kematian 17,000 manusia.
Terkini, virus dikesan di Mexico adalah H7N3, yang berpotensi mengakibatkan manusia dijangkiti.
Wabak berkenaan mula dikesan pada 20 Jun lalu dengan dua juta ternakan telah dijangkiti.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Aroma LZ
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Teknik baru untuk Nesting plank
Sesuatu teknik yang baru hendak diperkenalkan pada nestinng plank, ia perlu diteliti dari segi behavior burung walet ditempat asal atau burung itu sendiri sudah adapted dengan persekitaran yang anda sediakan untuk mereka kerana NP adalah bahagian terpenting (tempat pembiakan ) dan termpat yang paling lama bagi Bw tinggal ( cling ). Sekiranya NP tidak memenuhi keperluan Anatomi ( kerangka/struktur ) dan fisiologi ( Fungsi ) burung walet maka naluri burung walet menolak tempat pembiakan tersebut.
Percubaan anda untuk memperkenalkan sesuatu teknik baru seharusnya tidak berlawanan dengan kedua dua keperluan tersebut.
Percubaan anda untuk memperkenalkan sesuatu teknik baru seharusnya tidak berlawanan dengan kedua dua keperluan tersebut.
Monday, July 2, 2012
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