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Thursday, August 30, 2012
Bakal Tauke Walet Junior III
Harap2 anak yang ketiga ini berminat dalam bidang usahawan/ perniagaan selari dengan rakan2 cina di SJKC
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
BAKAL tauke sarang burung walet junior I
control of Bird Flu Explored at World Congress 29 August 2012
ANALYSIS - Outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) have tended to be more severe and prolonged in less developed countries with a high poultry density, according to avian flu expert, Dr David Swayne. Stamping out is the best method for control but vaccination can be an effective tool, he said. Senior editor, Jackie Linden, reports on his presentation to the World Poultry Congress.
As predictors of the severity of outbreaks, he found that transmission occurred more easily and outbreaks were more prolonged in areas of high poultry population density in less developed countries.
Looking at vaccine use over the period 2002 to 2010, more than 113 billion doses have been administered to poultry worldwide, with 25.7 million doses in 2010, according to Dr Swayne. Coverage averaged around 40 per cent, or 11 per cent of global production. The great majority of the vaccines were of the traditional inactivated whole virus type, with just 4.5 per cent of the recombinant type. Fourteen countries have now used vaccination, most notably China, Egypt, Indonesia and Viet Nam.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Ini bakal/ pelapis yang akan meneruskan legancy perniagaan wanzulswiftlet dalam industri perladangan burung walet. Selain daripada memiliki bahasa cina yang bagus tauke walet junior II juga diharap menyerap budaya bangsa cina yang memiliki survival yang tinggi untul terus survive dalam perniagaan kelak.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Permintaan sarang jenis biskut semakin baik
Jualan untuk kali kedua sarang jenis biskut. walaupun masih lagi rendah kuantitinya ia cukup bermakna untuk wanzulswiftlet bagi meneroka pasaran yang lebih besar.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
A new smart ventilation system
DENMARK - A new smart ventilation system helps Danish livestock producers to overcome some of the environmental challenges that the industry faces. Scientists from Aarhus University are involved in the development of the system devised by MT Højgaard Agri.
Unpleasant odours, ammonia emissions from livestock buildings and a high energy consumption pose significant environmental challenges for agriculture. In a new research project, scientists from Aarhus University are going to help develop a ventilation system which forms part of a new livestock housing concept designed by MT Højgaard Agri. The ventilation system reduces the environmental impact of livestock buildings by, among other things, reducing ammonia and odour emissions and lowering energy consumption.
"Emissions of CO2, ammonia, odour and dust are a permanent problem for the environment, for animal welfare and for the people working in the buildings. And this at the same time as agriculture is experiencing increasing demands for reductions in odour and ammonia emissions," says industrial post-doc Li Rong.
In addition to being a source of ammonia and odour, livestock buildings are also large consumers of energy, and 60 per cent of energy consumption in animal houses can be ascribed to ventilation and heating. The high energy consumption is detrimental both to the environment and to the farmer's economy.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Avian Influenza H7N7 Found in Netherlands
NETHERLANDS - Low pathogenic avian influenza virus H7N7 has been discovered in the village of Hagestijn, the Netherlands.
The outbreak was reported to the OIE by Dr Christianne Bruschke, Chief Veterinary Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.
The outbreak occured on a free-range farm and was discovered during a routine check.
In total 31,870 free range laying hens were destroyed. The cause of the outbreak is unknown.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
New Study Maps Hotspots of Human-animal Infectious Diseases and Emerging Disease Outbreaks
A new global study mapping human-animal diseases like tuberculosis (TB) and Rift Valley fever finds that an "unlucky" 13 zoonoses are responsible for 2.4 billion cases of human illness and 2.2 million deaths per year. The vast majority occur in low- and middle-income countries.
The report, which was conducted by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), the Institute of Zoology (UK) and the Hanoi School of Public Health in Viet Nam, maps poverty, livestock-keeping and the diseases humans get from animals, and presents a ‘Top 20’ list of geographical hotspots.
"From cyst-causing tapeworms to avian flu, zoonoses present a major threat to human and animal health," said Delia Grace, a veterinary epidemiologist and food safety expert with ILRI in Kenya and lead author of the study. "Targeting the diseases in the hardest hit countries is crucial to protecting global health as well as to reducing severe levels of poverty and illness among the world's one billion poor livestock keepers."
"Exploding global demand for livestock products is likely to fuel the spread of a wide range of human-animal infectious diseases," Grace added.
According to the study, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Tanzania in Africa, as well as India in Asia, have the highest zoonotic disease burdens, with widespread illness and death. Meanwhile, the northeastern United States, Western Europe (especially the United Kingdom), Brazil and parts of Southeast Asia may be hotspots of "emerging zoonoses"—those that are newly infecting humans, are newly virulent, or have newly become drug resistant. The study examined the likely impacts of livestock intensification and climate change on the 13 zoonotic diseases currently causing the greatest harm to the world's poor.
The report, Mapping of Poverty and Likely Zoonoses Hotspots, was developed with support from the United Kingdom's Department for International Development (DFID). The goal of the research was to identify areas where better control of zoonotic diseases would most benefit poor people. It also updates a map of emerging disease events published in the science journal Nature in 2008 by Jones et al.
Remarkably, some 60 per cent of all human diseases and 75 per cent of all emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic. Among the high-priority zoonoses studied here are "endemic zoonoses," such as brucellosis, which cause the vast majority of illness and death in poor countries; "epidemic zoonoses," which typically occur as outbreaks, such as anthrax and Rift Valley fever; and the relatively rare "emerging zoonoses," such as bird flu, a few of which, like HIV/AIDS, spread to cause global cataclysms. While zoonoses can be transmitted to people by either wild or domesticated animals, most human infections are acquired from the world's 24 billion livestock, including pigs, poultry, cattle, goats, sheep and camels.
"From cyst-causing tapeworms to avian flu, zoonoses present a major threat to human and animal health," said Delia Grace, a veterinary epidemiologist and food safety expert with ILRI in Kenya and lead author of the study. "Targeting the diseases in the hardest hit countries is crucial to protecting global health as well as to reducing severe levels of poverty and illness among the world's one billion poor livestock keepers."
"Exploding global demand for livestock products is likely to fuel the spread of a wide range of human-animal infectious diseases," Grace added.
According to the study, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Tanzania in Africa, as well as India in Asia, have the highest zoonotic disease burdens, with widespread illness and death. Meanwhile, the northeastern United States, Western Europe (especially the United Kingdom), Brazil and parts of Southeast Asia may be hotspots of "emerging zoonoses"—those that are newly infecting humans, are newly virulent, or have newly become drug resistant. The study examined the likely impacts of livestock intensification and climate change on the 13 zoonotic diseases currently causing the greatest harm to the world's poor.
The report, Mapping of Poverty and Likely Zoonoses Hotspots, was developed with support from the United Kingdom's Department for International Development (DFID). The goal of the research was to identify areas where better control of zoonotic diseases would most benefit poor people. It also updates a map of emerging disease events published in the science journal Nature in 2008 by Jones et al.
Remarkably, some 60 per cent of all human diseases and 75 per cent of all emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic. Among the high-priority zoonoses studied here are "endemic zoonoses," such as brucellosis, which cause the vast majority of illness and death in poor countries; "epidemic zoonoses," which typically occur as outbreaks, such as anthrax and Rift Valley fever; and the relatively rare "emerging zoonoses," such as bird flu, a few of which, like HIV/AIDS, spread to cause global cataclysms. While zoonoses can be transmitted to people by either wild or domesticated animals, most human infections are acquired from the world's 24 billion livestock, including pigs, poultry, cattle, goats, sheep and camels.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Intensification and Disease Spread through Zoonotic
The most rapid changes in pig and poultry farming are expected in Burkina Faso and Ghana in Africa and India, Myanmar and Pakistan in Asia. Pig and poultry farming is also intensifying more rapidly than other farm commodity sectors, with more animals being raised in more concentrated spaces, which raises the risk of disease spread.
Assessing the likely impacts of livestock intensification on the high-priority zoonoses, the study found that livestock density is associated more with disease "event emergence" than with overall disease burdens. Both the northeastern United States and Western Europe have high densities of livestock and high levels of disease emergence (e.g., BSE, or "mad cow" disease, and Lyme disease), but low numbers of people falling sick and dying from zoonotic diseases. The latter is almost certainly due to the relatively good disease reporting and health care available in these rich countries.
Bovine tuberculosis is a good example of a zoonotic disease that is now rare in both livestock and human populations in rich countries but continues to plague poor countries, where it infects about seven per cent of cattle, reducing their production by six per cent. Most infected cattle have the bovine form of TB, but both the human and bovine forms of TB can infect cows and people. Results of this study suggest that the burden of zoonotic forms of TB may be underestimated, with bovine TB causing up to 10 per cent of human TB cases. Human TB remains one of the most important and common human diseases in poor countries; in 2010, 12 million people suffered from active disease, with 80 per cent of all new cases occurring in 22 developing countries.
Zoonotic = disease can transfer from animal to human exp. TB,Birds flu, swine flu,mad cow ,Antrakh etc
Assessing the likely impacts of livestock intensification on the high-priority zoonoses, the study found that livestock density is associated more with disease "event emergence" than with overall disease burdens. Both the northeastern United States and Western Europe have high densities of livestock and high levels of disease emergence (e.g., BSE, or "mad cow" disease, and Lyme disease), but low numbers of people falling sick and dying from zoonotic diseases. The latter is almost certainly due to the relatively good disease reporting and health care available in these rich countries.
Bovine tuberculosis is a good example of a zoonotic disease that is now rare in both livestock and human populations in rich countries but continues to plague poor countries, where it infects about seven per cent of cattle, reducing their production by six per cent. Most infected cattle have the bovine form of TB, but both the human and bovine forms of TB can infect cows and people. Results of this study suggest that the burden of zoonotic forms of TB may be underestimated, with bovine TB causing up to 10 per cent of human TB cases. Human TB remains one of the most important and common human diseases in poor countries; in 2010, 12 million people suffered from active disease, with 80 per cent of all new cases occurring in 22 developing countries.
Zoonotic = disease can transfer from animal to human exp. TB,Birds flu, swine flu,mad cow ,Antrakh etc
Indonesia reports 9th birdflu death this year
A 37-year Indonesian man has died of avian influenza in Yogyakarta province of Indonesia, bringing the total fatality to 9 this year, health ministry said on its website on Sunday.
The man from Prambanan of Sleman district died on July 30 after being treated in hospitals, the ministry said.
Two laboratory tests confirmed that he was positive on having H5N1 virus, putting the the total death to 159 out of 191 cases since the viruses first attacked the country in 2005.
The self-employed man first felt the symtomps of the disease on July 24 with having high fever before he went to a hospital in the next day. Two days later, the man was treated in the hospital for his worsening condition and on July 29 he was shifted to another hospital.
An investigation showed that the man had possibly had contact with birds or poultry as it was found pet caged birds kept on his work place, and about 50 meters from his house there was a poulty slaugher house, as well as a cattle farm near it.
Concerns on the bird flu attacks appear in the region following the reports of the death on the H5N1 in Indonesia, Cambodia, China and Vietnam.
Indonesia is striving to produce bird flu vaccine to a sufficient level when the pandemic takes place, Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi has said.
She said that the country needed over 50,000 units vaccine to be used when pandemic occurred and to help other countries.
meaning of pandemic:
Pandemic = spread to cause global cataclysms.
meaning of pandemic:
Pandemic = spread to cause global cataclysms.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Jatropha as a New Livestock Feed Resource
FAO is encouraging the use of co-products of the energy crop, Jatropha, as new livestock feed resources to reduce food-feed competition.
At a conference organised by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, EMBRAPA in Brasilia dedicated to ‘Advances in the detoxification of Jatropha and castor seed cake and their use as livestock feed’, FAO presented its animal feed and feeding programme including the opportunities and challenges in utilising Jatropha co-products as livestock feed and the possibilities of generating other value-added products using a biorefinery concept.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Denda lebih berat jika dera binatang
PUTRAJAYA 13 Ogos - Rang Undang-undang Kebajikan Haiwan dijangka dibentang di Dewan Rakyat pada awal tahun depan dengan mengenakan hukuman lebih berat ke atas pesalah yang mendera binatang.
Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Datuk Seri Noh Omar berkata, sehubungan itu, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar (JPV) mengajak orang ramai memberi cadangan dan maklum balas mengenai draf rang undang-undang tersebut.
''Pada 19 Jun lalu, draf ini dipaparkan di Internet selama 14 hari untuk membolehkan orang ramai memberi cadangan.
''Bermula hari ini sehingga 31 Ogos pula, draf ini akan dipaparkan buat kali kedua di Internet supaya kita boleh mengumpulkan lebih banyak maklum balas daripada pelbagai pihak," katanya pada sidang akhbar di sini hari ini.
Turut hadir, Pengarah Bahagian Pembangunan Sumber Teknologi Ternakan Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Dr. Quaza Nizamuddin dan Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Veterinar, Dr. Mohd Azmie Zakaria.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Record Heat Wave Kills Over 830,000 Farm Animals
SOUTH KOREA - Hundreds of thousands of animals have died in South Korea, the government said Wednesday, due to a heat wave that is heading for a three-week streak.Over 830,000 farm animals, including 786,512 chickens, have been killed since 20 July, when midday temperatures began hovering above 33 C in most parts of the country, according to the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, reportsYonhapNewsAgency.
The dead animals include 40,780 ducks and 336 pigs.
Such damages are often caused by power outages that can halt the ventilation and cooling systems at farms.
The country was forced to issue power shortage warnings for two consecutive days this week as the sweltering weather pushed up its energy consumption to new highs, driving down its electricity levels to what officials called "dangerous levels" of less than three million kilowatts.
"The number of animals killed may actually be greater, pending on a more thorough survey," a ministry official said, noting damages may also grow from the continuing heat wave.
The country is also experiencing its longest streak of so-called tropical nights, where overnight temperatures stay above 25 C.
Suhu memberi kesan yang besar kepada fisiologi haiwan termasuk anak dan telur. Burung walet mempunyai had toleransi yang tertentu dengan suhu, sebab itulah ia berhati hati memilih suhu tempat pembiakan yang memberi kesan langsung kepada telur dan anak anaknya.
Vietnam H5N1 Outbreaks Reported
08 August 2012
VIETNAM - Six further cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 have been reported to the OIE.
The six outbreaks occured between the 16-27 of July.
In total 7004 birds were susceptible. The outbreak led to 5446 cases, resulting in 29753 birds being destroyed.
The outbreaks occured in the following regions:
In total 7004 birds were susceptible. The outbreak led to 5446 cases, resulting in 29753 birds being destroyed.
The outbreaks occured in the following regions:
- Thach Hoi, Thach Ha, HA TINH
- Cam Thach, Cam Xuyen, HA TINH
- Thach Tan, Thach Ha, HA TINH
- Thach Thang, Thach Ha, HA TINH
- An Thai, An Lao, Hai Phong
- Cam Quan, Cam Xuyen, HA TINH
The cause of the outbreak is still unknown.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
nitrite content a big issue in China?
In China, there are reported cases that pregnant women suffered from miscarriage after consuming blood bird nest for few months. Besides there are other health issue related to bird nest (especially blood bird nest) consumption.
Due to cumulative reported cases, the Chinese authorities investigated the issue and came to a conclusion that the nitrite content in the bird nest is the root of the problem. Therefore, the China Government put a ban on the import of bird nest from Malaysia pending the resolution of nitrite content.
The China Government insists to have zero nitrite content in bird nest, which to the bird nest industrialists are impractical to achieve. It could be achieved at a cost and thus pushing up the bird nest prices. Whether it is essential to eradicate the nitrate/nitrite content at all in bird nest is an issue for the China Government and Malaysian Government to resolve.
In fact, nitrate also presents in the drinking water. As a reference, the U.S Environment Protection Agency sets Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL) for nitrogen in public drinking water systems. The MCL for nitrates is 10 milligrams per liter whereas nitrites one milligram per liter. These figures may be used as a yardstick to resolve the nitrite content issue.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Lawatan ke kilang proses sarang burung walet
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