Pengusaha Rumah Gelap

Pengusaha Rumah Gelap
Rumah Gelap Simbol Kejayaan dan Kekayaan Pemilik

Swiftlet Hunter


Monday, December 31, 2012

WHO Reports 32 Cases of H5N1 in Humans This Year

31 dis 2012
GLOBAL - According to WHO, there have 

been 32 cases of H5N1 flu in humans so

 far this year, 20 of whom have died.
According to the latest figures

, published by WHO on 17 December, most

 of the victims were in Egypt (11

 cases; five deaths) but there were

 also nine cases in Indonesia, four in 

Viet Nam, three in Bangladesh and 

Cambodia and two in China.

Last year, 2011, there were 62 cases,

 of whom 34 died.

Since the emergence of H5N1 influenza

 in 2003, 610 people are reported to

 have become infected, 360 of whom have


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Smart Irrigation system

Satu lagi inovasi yang dihasilkan oleh wanzulswiftlet untuk mengekalkan kelembapan dalam rbw dengan kos penyelenggaraan yang sangat rendah tapi sangat berkesan bagi menyediakan kelembapan ideal untuk rumah burung walet anda. Setelah semua komponen  diaktif ia akan menyediakan sistem pengairan yang berkesan bagi rumah burung walet untuk mengekalkan kelembapan terutama pada musim panas.Ikutilah perkembangan inovasi wanzulswiftlet untuk lebih competant dalam cabaran memikat burung walet terkini

Friday, December 7, 2012

World class swiftlet Sound system

Pelatih muda
Pakar/experter swiftlet sound system

wanzulswiftlet kini memiliki seorang pakar dalam pembikinan sistem suara dalam rumah burung walet. Kemahiran tinggi dalam menyediakan sistem suara burung walet adalah sangat penting untuk mempercepatkan burung walet menginap didalam RBW anda. hubungi wanzul swiftlet

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Smart guano stirer ( SGS basic )

Salam and good day, Tahun 2012 adalah tahun yang penuh cabaran yang perlu diharungi oleh ol wanzulswiftlet dan mungkin juga para pemikat walet di luar sana. semasa mengharungi cabaran sudah tentu wujud peluang yang hebat bagi menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan teknik memikat burung walet. Hari ini secara rasmi wanzulswiftlet melancarkan Smart Guano Stirer ( SGS Basic ) kepada mereka yang berminat untuk memiliki SGS bagi menghasilkan bauan guano asli mengikut kehendak pemilik. Anda tidak perlu lagi bersusah payah mengacau tahi burung walet, biarkan SGS berkerja untuk anda mengikut citarasa tersendiri.
Sepanjang menggunakan teknik mengacau secara manual, ia pun sudah memberi kesan yang hebat kepada populasi burung walet menginap dan sangat sangat berbaloi apabila beralih kepada SGS bagi menghasilkan bauan guano asli.

Good day All bird lovers
You don't have to take stir birds waste/ faeces, just leave SGS to do the job for you as you please/wish. throughout this stiring process manually ia will give u positive result to the birds population, its really worth your money compare to the amount u spent

For those interested to have SGS basic or Guano stirer or need more detail information please  call 013 4419070 - Wan Zul 

Kesan negatif kepada burung walet baru

Bulu pelepah dan sampah sarap di dalam rumah burung walet, menghasilkan fenomena penolakan kepada burung walet itu sendiri kerana aroma yang terhasil memberi matlumat yang tidak baik kepada deria bau burung walet, seterusnya ia hanya datang untuk membuat lawatan saja tanpa ada NAFSU untuk menginap di RBW anda.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Avian Flu H7 Outbreak in Australia

AUSTRALIA - An outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) of the H7 subtype has been confirmed in a free-range egg flock in New South Wales.
The outbreak was reported to the OIE by Dr Mark Schipp, Chief Veterinary Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Canberra, Australia.

The outbreak occurred in Maitland, New South Wales.

Five thousand hens of the 50,000-bird flock have died.

The affected birds are free range layer hens. The property has several dams that attract wild ducks.

A restricted area of 3km diameter, surrounded by 7km diameter control area has been established around the property, which is under quarantine restriction.

Tracing is underway. Depopulation has commenced. The N type has not yet been determined.

The last outbreak of HPAI in Australia was in November 1997.

Researchers Uncover Data to Help Fight Avian Flu

SPAIN - A team of researchers from the National Research Council (CSIC) has determined the structure of the complex molecular machine that the influenza virus uses to replicate and express their genetic material.
The results, which are published in Science Express, the online edition of the journalScience, opens the way to unravel some of the crucial steps in the life cycle of these viruses that infect birds endemic also to humans and other mammals.

Researchers have revealed ribonucleoproteins organisation, protein complexes formed by each RNA (ribonucleic acid) associated with the viral polymerase and nucleoprotein, multiple copies of which bind to RNA like beads on a necklace.

"This complex structure actually functions as a molecular machine capable of transcribing the genetic message of self-replication of the virus and the infected cell in order to generate new progeny virus to infect other cells," explains Juan Ortin, CSIC researcher at the National Center for Biotechnology.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Smart guano stirer ( SGS basic )

Salam and good day, Tahun 2012 adalah tahun yang penuh cabaran yang perlu diharungi oleh ol wanzulswiftlet dan mungkin juga para pemikat walet di luar sana. semasa mengharungi cabaran sudah tentu wujud peluang yang hebat bagi menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan teknik memikat burung walet. Hari ini secara rasmi wanzulswiftlet melancarkan Smart Guano Stirer ( SGS Basic ) kepada mereka yang berminat untuk memiliki SGS bagi menghasilkan bauan guano asli mengikut kehendak pemilik. Anda tidak perlu lagi bersusah payah mengacau tahi burung walet, biarkan SGS berkerja untuk anda mengikut citarasa tersendiri.
Sepanjang menggunakan teknik mengacau secara manual, ia pun sudah memberi kesan yang hebat kepada populasi burung walet menginap dan sangat sangat berbaloi apabila beralih kepada SGS bagi menghasilkan bauan guano asli.

Good day All bird lovers
You don't have to take stir birds waste/ faeces, just leave SGS to do the job for you as you please/wish. throughout this stiring process manually ia will give u positive result to the birds population, its really worth your money compare to the amount u spent

For those interested to have SGS basic or Guano stirer or need more significant information please give me a call 013 4419070 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Newcastle Disease Outbreak in Israel

ISRAEL - An outbreak of Newcastle disease has been reported to world by Dr Nadav Galon, Director, Veterinary Services and Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Bet Dagan.
The outbreak occurred on the 6 November at a farm in Sede Terumot, Yizreel, Hazafon.

Of the 25,600 birds susceptible, all were slaughtered. The exact number of cases is unknown, as is the source of the outbreak.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Another EU/US Trade War Looming?

ANALYSIS - The first signs are emerging of an impeding trade war between the EU and the US over the use of the growth promoter, ractopamine, which is used in turkeys and other livestock. With low stocks, a poor maize harvest this year look likely to lead to shortages until the next harvest. An outbreak of highly pathogenic bird flu has hit a farm in southern India and a village poultry flock in Bhutan.
The EU and US could be heading for another trade war, similar to the one it had over the use of growth hormones in beef cattle but this time, the row is brewing over the use of ractopamine - a beta-agonist - as a feed supplement, which is used for boosting growth and increasing leanness in pigs, cattle and turkeys. 

The latest turn of events in this saga came last week, when the Council of the European Union published its official response to the decision by Codex Alimentarius to set maximum residue limits for ractopamine, thus endorsing its use. 

The decision by Codex was taken after a majority vote by the member nations. The majority was two. 

The anger from the European Union at the Codex decision and the response by the council puts the EU on a collision course with countries such as the US and Canada, where the use of ractopamine is widespread. Some estimates have the use in pig feed of between 60 and 80 per cent of the US herd. 

The European Union has stuck to its policy of refusing access to meat from animals that have been treated with ractopamine and has called for assurances that any meat entering the EU from countries where its use is common has come from animals that are free from the drug. 

The EU stance is also supported by China, where the import of products for animals treated with ractopamine is also banned. 

There is also a divergence between the maximum residue levels that have been set down by Codex Alimentarius and the US. 

The more the two sides dig in, the greater the divergence and hostility will emerge - and all this occurred at a time when the US meat companies were in Paris at one of the largest European food shows, marketing their products that had just been allowed onto the EU market in greater amounts following the compromise in the beef hormone dispute. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Seminar niaga sarang burung walet

KUCHING 1okt. - Seramai 100 pelajar Sekolah Pengurusan dan Pengajian Profesional (SBMP), Kolej PTPL Sarawak baru-baru ini, menyertai seminar keusahawanan bertajuk Cara Mengendalikan Perniagaan Burung Walet.
Menurut pengarah program itu, Nur Baizura Zainuddin, ia dianjurkan pelajar tahun akhir jurusan Diploma Pengurusan bagi memenuhi syarat bergraduan.
"Program ini memberi pendedahan kepada pelajar secara praktikal cara mengendalikan sesuatu program selain diberi pendedahan akademik secara bertulis.
"Pada masa sama, ia mampu membuka minda pelajar mengenai cara mengendalikan perniagaan burung walet yang merupakan perniagaan semakin popular," katanya.
Penceramah program yang terdiri daripada Sufian Sahari dan Awang Enjah Awang Kepli memberitahu bahawa perniagaan burung walet mampu menjana pendapatan yang lumayan kepada usahawan.
Mereka turut mengesyorkan para graduan menceburinya kerana ia tidak memerlukan modal yang besar.

Are US and EU Heading for Trade War over Ractopamine?

GLOBAL - The EU and US could be heading for another trade war, similar to the one it had over the use of growth hormones in beef cattle, writes Chris Harris.
This time the row that is brewing is over the use of ractopamine - a beta agonist - as a feed supplement, which is used for boosting growth and increasing leanness in pigs, cattle and turkeys.
The anger from the European Union at the Codex decision and the response by the council puts the EU on a collision course with countries such as the US and Canada, where the use of ractopamine is popular. Some estimates have the use in pig feed of between 60 and 80 per cent of the US herd.
The European Union has stuck to its policy of refusing access to meat from animals that have been treated with ractopamine and has called for assurances that any meat entering the EU from countries where its use is common has come from animals that are free from the drug.
While the EU still bans imports of meat from animals that have been reared using one of the six banned hormone growth promoters - estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, melengesterol acetate, trenbolone acetate, and zeranol - in March this year an agreement was reached to go a long way to settle the dispute

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Funding Increased to Combat Disease Threats

US - FAO's commitment to fight emerging disease threats in "hotspot" regions worldwide is getting a boost with new funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the UN agency has announced.
The funding, totalling more than $20 million, will support the ongoing US-FAO partnership against H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) and a widening focus on potential emerging pandemic threats.

The continuing threat of bird flu

The US assistance will help strengthen preparedness and response to HPAI in Southeast Asia and bolster laboratory and surveillance capacities in hotspot areas. The majority of the funding will support activities in Bangladesh, China, Indonesia and Viet Nam, which continue to experience outbreaks of H5N1 HPAI in poultry as well as cases in humans, some fatal.
Due to the speed with which animal-origin pathogens such as H5N1, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2002-2003 and the H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009, caused by a virus that had combined elements of avian, swine and human origin, USAID launched its "Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) programme.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Export Fears Follow Bird Flu Outbreak

INDIA - An outbreak of avian influenza has been confirmed in a turkey unit of the government-run Central Poultry Development Organisation in Bangalore.

The outbreak has triggered fear among farmers and exporters in Tamil Nadu that poultry products from across the country will be prevented from entering overseas and domestic markets, reports The Hindu.
Secretary of the Animal Husbandry Department (AHD), Government of India, Gokul Chandra Pati confirmed the outbreak of bird flu in a report he submitted to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) on Friday. He stated that 3,481 turkeys had succumbed to the flu at the farm in the second week of October.
Based on test results from the High Security Animal Disease Laboratory in Bhopal, the department has identified a highly-pathogenic avian influenza virus as the cause of death. The report, however, made it clear that the occurrence was only in a zone or compartment and not the entire country.

H5N1 Bird Flu Outbreak in Karnataka

INDIA - Officials are saying that the outbreak of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) has been "nipped in the bud".

With reports about the detection of avian influenza (bird flu) at the Central Poultry Development Organisation (CPDO) near Hessarghatta here, the State Health Department has stepped up vigil against the dreaded infection, reports The Hindu.
Calling upon people not to panic as the flu was only at the bird stage, M. Madan Gopal, Principal Secretary, Health and Family Welfare, told The Hindu on 26 October that "the flu that had made its presence known in a bird a fortnight ago was nipped in the bud".

"While there is no need to panic as the situation is not alarming, we want to assure people that the department is prepared to handle any emergency. We have adequate stocks of Tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate), the medicine for flu," he said.
"Our doctors will conduct daily medical check-up of those who are involved in the culling operations. We have already started giving them prophylactic doses of Tamiflu as a preventive measure," Mr Madan Gopal said.

High-Path Bird Flu Strikes Bangalore

29 October 2012
INDIA - Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) of the H5N1 sub-type has been reported at a government-run poultry farm in Bangalore has been reported .

The veterinary authority in India sent an Immediate Notification dated 26 October 2012 ..The outbreak started on 12 October at the Hessarghatta Turkey Unit at the Central Poultry Development Organization in Bangalore in the state of Karnataka in southern India. Of the 4,265 birds on the farm, 3,481 died and 784 have been destroyed.The source of infection is unknown or inconclusive, according to the report. An epidemiological investigation is ongoing. An intensive surveillance campaign has been launched in a 10-km radius zone. Restocking will be applied in accordance with a specified protocol.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Algae Based Vaccine soon

GLOBAL - DSM Nutritional Products, a subsidiary of Royal DSM, the global Life Sciences and Materials Sciences company, announced today that it has entered into a collaboration with Merial Limited under a Development and Option to License Agreement to develop animal health vaccines using DSM's proprietary algal expression system.
For decades, the production of vaccines for both animal and human diseases has relied on the use of complex production processes. Alternative methods, such as the one being explored by Merial and DSM using microbial algae as the growth platform, may present a faster and more efficient production method.

"We are pleased to join with Merial on this important project that we expect will validate the algal expression system as a viable alternative to egg or cell culture-based vaccines, which would offer important benefits for animal vaccine production," said Peter Nitze, President of the Nutritional Lipids division within DSM Nutritional Products. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pigeon Deaths Linked to Avian Virus

25 October 2012

US - The recent increase in pigeon deaths in West Texas has been connected to an avian virus that affects pigeons and poultry, according to a press release from the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department.
The virus was discovered during lab tests by the US Geological Survey's National Wildlife Health Center and US Department of Agriculture's National Veterinary Services Laboratories.

The virus -- pigeon paramyxovirus-1 (PPMV-1) -- belongs to a larger group of viruses -- avian paramyxovirus serogroup 1 (APMV-1).

Though PPMV-1 has never been known to infect humans, some strains of viruses in the APMV-1 group can cause mild conjunctivitis in people who handled large numbers of infected birds, according to the release.

There is no sign of transmission of PPMV-1 to other mammals, such as domestic pets.

Some strains of PPMV-1 have shown signs of virulence in poultry and it is advisable to minimize contact between doves and poultry in affected areas until the dove mortality event has ended, said Annaliese K. Scoggin, private lands biologist.

This is the first time that the virus has been found in white-winged doves, even though Eurasian-collared doves also were involved in this outbreak.

TPWD will monitor the spread of the virus, though it is not considered a significant danger for Texas dove populations.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Benar dan nyata pak burhan sudah tidak pedulikan cahaya di LMB

Gambar atas sebagai bukti nyata lagi terang bahawa cahaya putih atau cahaya warna lain kecuali cahaya laser sudah tidak bisa menghalang pak burhan memburu mangsa di atas frame LMB. Anda dan Saya sudah tentu mempunyai pendekatan lain untuk menghalang  Pak burhan masuk ke dalam RBW melalui LMB...........   Selamat mencuba

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Dana untuk industri sarang burung walet

KUALA LUMPUR — Kerajaan diminta menyalurkan dana tambahan kepada Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar (JPV) bagi menggalakkan pertumbuhan perusahaan sarang burung walet di negara ini.
Pengerusi Persatuan Pedagang dan Pengusaha Melayu (PERDASAMA), Datuk Sohaimi Shahdan berkata, industri itu dilihat mampu memberi impak besar kepada ekonomi negara dengan penyertaan lebih ramai pengusaha sarang burung walet secara serius.
"Menerusi dana sebanyak RM3 hingga RM5 bilion itu, kita dapat mengadakan siri promosi secara eksklusif di seluruh negara bagi memberi informasi yang tepat berkaitan industri sarang burung walet.
"Dengan adanya dana tambahan itu, kita dapat menjayakan banyak aktiviti promosi dan pada masa sama dapat menggalakkan penyertaan Bumiputera dalam industri itu,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas taklimat Peluang Niaga Dalam Industri Sarang Burung Walet di sini, semalam.
Menurut Sohaimi, dana itu juga dapat dimanfaat bagi menubuhkan unit khas serta inkubator supaya JPV dapat mencapai matlamat menarik lebih banyak penyertaan Bumiputera dalam industri berkenaan.
"Ini penting bagi memberi pengetahuan selain daripada teknik mengusahakan industri tersebut malah pengusaha perlu didedahkan tentang bagaimana mengimport sarang burung walet ke negara yang berpotensi seperti China,” katanya. — BERNAMA

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

finally paid off

ADECISION made a year ago to venture into the swiftlet-breeding industry has finally paid off for the Bakri Area Farmers' Organisation (BAFO), here.

Datuk Saipolbahari Shuib (left) watching employees processing bird’s nest
Datuk Saipolbahari Shuib (left) watching employees processing bird’s nest. Pix by Shaiffulazhar Misri
MUAR: The organisation's chairman, Datuk Saipolbahari Shuib, said BAFO has seven swiftlet-breeding centres including those located in Jalan Ismail, Parit Raja, Pagoh and Parit Zin.
He said BAFO has been collaborating with Duta Sialin Biotechnology Sdn Bhd to set up a high-tech processing centre at the Payamas Technology Park, near Tangkak, and produce high-quality bird's nests for both the local and export markets.
"We have signed memorandums of understanding with seven AFOs, namely those in Selangor, Perak, Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu, Sabah and Johor, to enable us to buy their raw bird's nests and process them at our centre," he said.
"In the meantime, we are waiting for a licence from the Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Ministry permitting the export of bird's nests to Hong Kong, China and West Asia, where the markets are big.
"We are also planning to come up with bird's nest-related products."
Saipolbahari said his intention was to see farmers reaping a good harvest from the industry.
"Formerly, the price of bird's nests was between RM4,900 and RM7,000 per kilogramme. The price plunged when the Chinese government banned the import of bird's nests from Malaysia, but the matter has been resolved and now the price has returned to those previous levels.
"I hope all AFOs in the country will gain from the industry. We are prepared to help them by buying and marketing the bird's nests for them," he said.
Saipolbahari said if each of the 29 AFOs in Johor could build at least five swiftlet-breeding centres, then the total harvest could reach 20 kilogrammes a month

Read more: Breeding swiftlets pays off for BAFO - Johor - New Straits Times

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Avian Flu H5N1 Outbreak in Nepal

17 October 2012
NEPAL - An outbreak of highly 

pathogenic avian influenza virus

 H5N1 has occurred in Nepal.
The outbreak was reported by Dr Nar

 Bahadur Rajwar, Director General,

 Department of Livestock Services in

 Lalitpur, Nepal

The outbreak occurred in Sanepa-2,

 Sanchal, Lalitpur, Bagmati.

In total, there were 2,500 cases and all

 birds died as a result.

The cause of the outbreak is unknown.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Approval for birds’ nest export sought

IPOH: The newly-formed Malaysia Birds Nest Alliance wants the Government to allow industry players to export raw and unprocessed birds' nests (RUBN) to more countries.
Its president Lim Lai Soon said the alliance would submit a memorandum to the Prime Minister at Parliament on Tuesday.
He said nearly all of the country's RUBN producers and farmers were currently in a limbo as the export ban from China on birds nest imports had yet to be lifted.
“We want the Prime Minister to help by allowing us to export RUBN to Korea, Taiwan and other countries.
“There is also a great demand from factories and producers for RUBN in China,” he said here yesterday.
Lim also said the alliance was made aware that the protocol signing between Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Noh Omar and the Chinese last month was only for the re-entry of edible bird nests (EBN) into China.
”The protocol will see China accepting only the EBN while the RUBN will still be kept in storage here.
“A lot of industry players, especially swiftlet farmers are affected by this new protocol, causing millions in losses every month,” he said.
Last month, Noh Omar signed the protocol in Nanning with China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection andQuarantine Minister Zhi Shuping to allow the export of birds nest products into China.
Last week, Deputy Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong said Malaysia hoped to resume export of raw cleaned birds nest in December.
Lim said about 50 tonnes of RUBN were harvested and produced every month by some 60,000 swiflet farms.
“RUBN is worth between RM4,000 and RM5,000 per kg,” he said.

Openroof concept

Sekiranya tempat  ini sebuah gua sudah tentu ia dihuni oleh burung walet

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Curbing antibiotic abuse

 Educating public on need to stop self-medication


KUALA LUMPUR: PHARMACISTS and doctors, troubled by a rise in antibiotic resistance, say finishing the course and not taking them unnecessarily should be key in arresting this trend.
Such an all-too-familiar message will be hammered home during a month-long campaign beginning on Oct 16 to help ensure antibiotics remain effective, the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Association (MPA) and Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) said yesterday.
Antibiotic resistance refers to a disease-causing bacteria surviving exposure to an antibiotic.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) had recently highlighted antibiotic resistance,  technically referred to as anti-microbial resistance (AMR), as a major threat to public health in the 21st century.
The two bodies told the New Straits Times yesterday that cautious use of antibiotics was the only prevention to the development of superbugs, such as the carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, multi-resistant Acinetobacter and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
This prompted the Health Ministry, together with MMA and MPA, to launch the campaign, which is to streamline the use of antibiotics among medical practitioners and the public.
MPA president Datuk Nancy Ho said although the Health Ministry continually monitored the AMR patterns, it was quite likely that the problem in Malaysia was increasing following global trends.
Ho said: "Overuse and the inappropriate use of antibiotics can result in the development of resistant strains of bacteria.
She added: "Pharmacists, as part of the healthcare team, will help educate the public on the proper use of antibiotics so that this important group of medicine continues to be useful in the management of infectious diseases."
Ho said she believed that Malaysian doctors did prescribe antibiotics with caution but were sometimes pressured by patients, who insisted on antibiotics even when they had a viral infection.
"This is why a public education campaign is important."
MMA president Dr S.R. Manalan denied that Malaysian doctors relied heavily on antibiotics, and agreed with Ho that patients pressured them to prescribe antibiotics even when they were unnecessary.
Dr Manalan said in developed countries, which had a high incidence of bacterial resistance, antibiotic prescriptions were monitored and doctors were vigilant in following guidelines.
Asked if incidences of AMR were on the rise in Malaysia, Dr Manalan said: "Yes, this is true and it is because of a number of reasons.
"Self-prescription, buying medications over the counter and patients not completing the full course are some of the causes."
The Health Ministry's Department of Medicine head and consultant for infectious diseases Datuk Dr Christopher Lee announced on Sunday that the Oct 16 campaign would involve educating medical practitioners on the importance of prescribing antibiotics sparingly and conducting public awareness programmes.
According to the WHO, infections caused by resistant microorganisms often fail to respond to conventional treatments, resulting in prolonged illness and a greater risk of death.
About 440,000 new cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) emerged annually, causing at least 150,000 deaths.
Meanwhile, resistance to earlier generations of anti-malarial medicines, such as chloroquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, is widespread in most malaria-endemic countries.

Read more: Curbing antibiotic abuse - Top News - New Straits Times

Monday, October 1, 2012

4 simple steps to process edible birds nest

The Steps Involved in Processing Edible Birds Nests

Processing bird’s nests is a long, tedious and labour-intensive process, which can be simplified into 4 steps:  

Step 1: Soak the raw bird’s nests in plain water until they expand, then separate them into individual strands.

Step 2: Remove all the feathers from the edible nest-cement contents with a pair of forceps. This step is repeated until all the feathers are detached from the entire nest-cement.

Step 3: The nest-cement strands are then arranged into a mold.

Step 4: Finally, put the molded strands under the fans to dry.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mexico Counts the Cost of Bird Flu

Weekly Overview: 

13 September 2012

ANALYSIS - With no new outbreaks of H7N3 bird flu reported in Mexico for the last three weeks, the poultry industry there must be holding its breath and hoping that the crisis is over. In the last week, it has been reported that the cost of the outbreaks, which mainly affected the egg industry, has been estimated at the equivalent of around US$860 million, the lives of more than 22 million poultry that either died or had to be culled and upwards of 7,500 jobs.
H7N3 highly pathogenic avian influenza broke out in Mexico's top egg-producing state, Jalisco, in late June. Since that first outbreak, ThePoultrySite has been following developments, which have included major disruptions to the egg market in this country that is among the leading egg-consuming countries of the world. Egg prices to consumers rose on fears of tight supplies and the country was forced to import significant quantities of eggs for the first time, mainly from the US and under a quota system.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Berakhir lah kegemilangan perladangan burung walet dalam budget 2013

Tiada apa lagi yang boleh diharap daripada peruntukkan kerajaan untuk industri ini kerana budget 2013 sudah tidak mengambil kira lagi kewujudan industri burung walet di malaysia. Bagi mereka yang berharap untuk mendapat habuan daripada peruntukkan kerajaan sudah tentu berasa kecewa apabila tidak ada satu patah perkataan pun menyebut tentang burung walet yang begitu disanjung sebelum ini.
Bagi saya dan usahawan burung walet lain tidak begitu gentar dengan situasi ini kerana kami adalah usahawan tulen yang mana tidak pernah mendapat bantuan daripada pihak kerajaan untuk meneroka industri multi- million ini.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ekspo China-Asean (CAEXPO) ke-7

NANNING (China), 25 Okt (Bernama)-- Peserta pameran Malaysia berjaya meraih jualan segera bernilai RM23.1 juta dengan RM42.6 juta lagi nilai jualan sedang dibincangkan di Ekspo China-Asean (CAEXPO) ke-7 yang berakhir Ahad lepas.

Jurucakap Perbadanan Pembangunan Perdagangan Luar Malaysia (MATRADE), Mohd Salleh memberitahu media Malaysia: "Pelaburan berpotensi bernilai RM129 juta dijangka mengalir masuk ke Malaysia sekiranya beberapa rundingan yang dibincangkan semasa ekspo lima hari itu menjadi kenyataan.

"Antara pelaburan adalah dalam sektor pertanian dan perkhidmatan penjagaan kesihatan, termasuk penubuhan kilang kenaf oleh sebuah syarikat Korea.

"Jualan segera di ekspo tersebut ialah bagi makanan dan minuman, sarang burung, bahagian-bahagian elektrik, motosikal, penapis air, perabot, pakaian, kosmetik, herba dan produk penjagaan kesihatan, barang kemas dan bahan binaan."

Tahun ini, 101 syarikat Malaysia menyertai CAEXPO ke-7, dengan kira-kira 128 gerai pameran berbanding 50 semasa ekspo sulung pada 2003.Pada CAEXPO kali ini 5 produk dari malaysia mendapat permintaan tinggi iaitu sarang burung, kopi,jus buahan, pendidikana dan francais

Kopi putih dan sarang burung Malaysia adalah daya tarikan utama di pavilion Malaysia.

Malaysia memenangi tiga anugerah di CAEXPO tersebut bagi Anugerah Penganjur Peserta Pameran Terbaik, Anugerah Galleria Jenama Terbaik dan Anugerah Penganjur Sektor Perindustrian Terbaik (Produk asas tani dan barangan makanan).

Anugerah itu disampaikan kepada Datuk Noharuddin Nordin, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) MATRADE di Mesyuarat Rasmi Kanan yang diadakan di Liyuan Country Resort, Nanning.

Terdahulu, Noharuddin menyaksikan permeteraian Memorandum Perjanjian (MOA) antara syarikat penjagaan kulit kepala Pulau Pinang, Polygon Traders Sdn Bhd dan Uf(Nanning) Biotech Pte Ltd.

Di bawah MOA itu, Uf(Nanning) Biotech, dilantik sebagai pengedar tunggal bagi produk memelihara kulit kepala "Mau Plus" Polygon di China.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Different people have different opinions of 3 entrance holes

To me more than one entrance  is good but not the one shown in the above picture. This is a bullshit design. The reason is we provide more chances to the birds to enter and fly out from our Bh. I have 2 prooves of my latest design of Bh which gives better significance to the populations of the birds. Despite the disadvantages what is important here is the birds population.

Bagi saya Lebih daripada satu lubang masuk memberi kesan yang sangat ketara keatas populasi burung walet menginap dalam Rbw. Pengalaman dalam perladangan burung walet memberi kemahiran teknikal yang berbeza kepada individu dimana susun atur lubang masuk burung adalah sangat penting bukanya bilangan lubang masuk. Sudah tentu apa perkara sekalipun mempunyai kesan negatif atau side effect tetapi mana lebih penting kadar populasi yang cepat atau asyik memikirkan sedikit kerugian,

Komen daripada otai tentang lubang masuk burung lebih daripada satu

There were 3 entrance holes in this Bh, different people have different opinions. For me, I always believe in 1 entrance hole. The reason is it would help reduce the time of adaptation and speed up bird population. Secondly, too many entrance holes would cause movement of air which is disliked by birds. It confuses the birds, especially young birds. With too many openings, it shows that the person is indecisive on the best entrance hole placement.

The External tweeters on each entrance hole will confuse the birds, especially new visitors. Often, you could see them flying in from one of the entrance holes and flying out from the others.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lawatan ke Rbw yang kurang sambutan setelah hampir 3 tahun

Beberapa pertunjuk yang dikenalpasti menyumbangkan kepada kegagalan untuk menambah bilangan burung walet ke dalam Rbw yang telah dilawati di tempoh hari.
Lubang burung masuk ke-2 selepas void jenis L-shape kurang disukai walet kerana memerlukan kemahiran dan extra tenaga untuk melepasi halangan ini. Walaupun begitu ada yang berjaya menggunakan design jenis ini tapi hanya minoriti yang mana kejayaan itu banyak dipengaruhi oleh faktor penyokong tambahan. Anda mesti tahu faktor penyokong dahulu sebelum membina design jenis ini. 

Elemen diatas adalah faktor kritikal kepada kegagalan rumah burung yang berusia hampir 3 tahun ini. Sekiranya anda kurang pengetahuan dalam Animal science ia tidak memberi apa - apa kerisauan tentang kewujudan elemen ini.

Elemen kegagalan juga wujud pada lantai roving room

walaupun kaedah ini baik untuk menambah kelembapan dan menurunkan suhu dalam Rbw tapi ia  memberi kesan sampingan yang melampau kepada konsentrasi dan kedamaian burung walet ketika waktu rehat sama ada pada siang dan malam. keamanan dan kedamaian adalah keperluan benda hidup. Sebarang gangguan bunyi yang melampau memberi kesan buruk kepada keberkesanan suara internal dan external.

Oleh kerana Rbw ini jenis Rbw Budget maka terdapat beberapa perkara lagi yang menjadi faktor penyebab tambahan kepada kegagalan mempopulasi walet dalam masa lebih kurang 36 bulan. Saya sedaya upaya menolong owner rbw ini untuk meningkatkan populasi walet dalam masa terdekat, berdasarkan pengalaman mempopulasi Rbw budget sebelum ini..Insya Allah

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

1pengalaman 1Rbw

Penilaian adalah proses yang memerlukan kemahiran yang tinggi pada seseorang peminat burung walet dan ia melibatkan 3 perkara;  I. Masa ( tempoh tertentu ) II. Mengawal pemboleh ubah ( perkara2 yang boleh berubah III. Membuat keputusan ( saranan/tindakan susulan ). 
I. Masa -  tempoh masa untuk membuat penilaian bergantung kepada pengalaman anda, 1 minggu, 1bulan, 6 bulan atau 1 tahun?.
II. Mengawal pemboleh ubah -  terdapat banyak perkara  boleh berubah yang mempengaruhi penilaian sebelum dan semasa  membuat penilaian contoh Predator, waktu perayaan, suhu, musim, bilangan kenderaan dan banyak lagi.
III. Membuat keputusan - Apakah harus anda lakukan setelah membuat penilaian, iaitu tunggu dan lihat, menambah tempoh tunggu dan lihat, terus membuat sesuatu yang di fikirkan perlu atau do nothing .
Bagi menjadi penilaian rumah burung walet yang baik, seseorang itu mesti mempunyai asas sains haiwan ,kemahiran teknikal dan pengalaman dalam bidang perladangan burung walet.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Satu pengalaman, 1RBW

Langkah susulan kepada inference ialah Tindakan dimana kemahiran ini jarang dimiliki oleh kebanyakan  "peminat burung walet " mereka hanya pandai bercerita di kedai kopi atau disebelah rbw atau ditempat kenduri atau dimana saja yang berakhir dengan  kebuntuan bagi proses menambah baik atau membaiki kelemahan yang terdapat pada sesebuah  rumah burung walet ( Rbw ).  Perlu dingat, golongan ini hanya "pandai cakap " semata-mata,    kerana ingin nampak OUTSTANDING dalam perladangan burung walet sebenarnya mereka ini adalah golongan " Habuk pun Tarak".
Bagi menghasilkan Tindakan yang betul atau hampir2 betul  seseorang itu mestilah mendampingi mereka yang berpengalaman membaiki rumah burung yang bermasalah bukan berbaik- baik dengan golongan   "miskin pengalaman dan pengetahuan mungkin juga miskin harta " untuk menajam seni memikat burung walet. Pengalaman dan pengetahuan golongan yang  "lama " dalam bidang ini sangat- sangat significant untuk memecah kebuntuan kenapa burung walet sama ada tidak masuk atau tidak tidur atau tidak bertambah bilangan masuk atau tidak bersarang atau kesemua faktor yang dinyatakan tadi.
Mereka yang berpengalaman dalam bidang perladangan burung walet bukan saja memiliki segedung fakta tetapi memiliki juga segedung seni memikat burung walet yang sangat berbeza dengan satu lagi golongan yang mempunyai segedung teori atau logik akal semata- mata.
Setelah menghasilkan Tindakan, mereka yang berpengalaman juga memiliki satu lagi kemahiran iaitu...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Satu pengalaman, satu RBW

Salam. Oh banyaknya burung, hitam duk main- main kat luar Rbw  milik seorang tauke cina kata seorang lelaki separuh umur, betul- betul, saya nampak pagi semalam, mesti sudah banyak sarang celah anaknya yang baru berjina-jinak dengan perladangan burung walet. Ini adalah inference yang biasa kita dengar daripada orang awam apabila mereka berhadapan dengan pengalaman ini untuk kali pertama dan seterusnya. Hakikat sebenar Rbw yang dimaksudkan itu sudah berkali kali membuat pengubahsuaian/Revamp kerana tauke tersebut sangat tidak berpuas hati dengan prestasi kewujudan sarang burung walet iaitu 8 sarang dalam masa 24 bulan. Kemampuan membuat inference daripada pemerhatian adalah skill asas  pemilik atau consultan Rbw untuk terus hebat atau competitive dalam seni memikat  burung supaya  burung walet MASUK, TIDUR , BERSARANG dan BERKEMBANG BIAK. Perkara yang kedua  sebagai susulan daripada inference ialah TINDAKAN yang jarang.........