Pengusaha Rumah Gelap

Pengusaha Rumah Gelap
Rumah Gelap Simbol Kejayaan dan Kekayaan Pemilik

Swiftlet Hunter


Friday, July 29, 2011

sifu berpengalaman tidak semestinya hebat

 Anda perhatikan kedua dua RBW di bawah  sama atau berbeza?                                                            Ini kata2 sifu yang ke-2 unt. revamp kali ke3.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                First of all, I would like to thank you for helping me to revamp my bird house. In the past, I had invited two famous "sifu" to look at my bird house, after waited for nearly a year, nothing happened and no nest at all.

What the first famous sifu said............ baca dan comparing ini kali pertama revamp                                                               Oh my god they started to enter and coming deeper into the house.  They now stays longer then 10 seconds and nearly all that came to the entrance hole will zoom in."

'Wow    "SIFU"   you are really good."

My conclusion was that he need to start looking as using new sounds that can push the birds deeper into the house and pull them by those "Sweet Honey".