Pengusaha Rumah Gelap

Pengusaha Rumah Gelap
Rumah Gelap Simbol Kejayaan dan Kekayaan Pemilik

Swiftlet Hunter


Sunday, August 26, 2012

A new smart ventilation system

DENMARK - A new smart ventilation system helps Danish livestock producers to overcome some of the environmental challenges that the industry faces. Scientists from Aarhus University are involved in the development of the system devised by MT Højgaard Agri.
Unpleasant odours, ammonia emissions from livestock buildings and a high energy consumption pose significant environmental challenges for agriculture. In a new research project, scientists from Aarhus University are going to help develop a ventilation system which forms part of a new livestock housing concept designed by MT Højgaard Agri. The ventilation system reduces the environmental impact of livestock buildings by, among other things, reducing ammonia and odour emissions and lowering energy consumption.

"Emissions of CO2, ammonia, odour and dust are a permanent problem for the environment, for animal welfare and for the people working in the buildings. And this at the same time as agriculture is experiencing increasing demands for reductions in odour and ammonia emissions," says industrial post-doc Li Rong.

In addition to being a source of ammonia and odour, livestock buildings are also large consumers of energy, and 60 per cent of energy consumption in animal houses can be ascribed to ventilation and heating. The high energy consumption is detrimental both to the environment and to the farmer's economy.