Pengusaha Rumah Gelap

Pengusaha Rumah Gelap
Rumah Gelap Simbol Kejayaan dan Kekayaan Pemilik

Swiftlet Hunter


Sunday, July 8, 2012

No Farmers, No Food, No Future

GLOBAL - In the wake of the Rio Conference for Sustainable Development, Copa-Cogeca welcomes the fact that sustainable agriculture and food security were considered a priority. Copa-Cogeca urges heads of state to agree on a text which recognises the important contribution farmers can make to sustainable development through environmentally sound production practices which enhance food security and the livelihood of the poor and ensure sustained economic growth.
In view of growing world food demand and limited resources, Copa-Cogeca wants to see a committed outcome to the Rio+ Conference which sets the path towards a green economy, in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication and considers green growth as the way to using resources more efficiently without reducing profitability or production capacity. 

It leads to improved food security, eradicating hunger, while conserving land, water, biodiversity and ecosystems, and enhancing resilience to climate change and natural disasters. Enhancing agricultural research, extension services, training and education to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability through the voluntary sharing of knowledge and good practices is key to this.