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Swiftlet Hunter


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Petersime's Brochure on Embryo-Response Incubation

Petersime's Brochure on Embryo-Response Incubation

BELGIUM - Recently, world leader in incubation equipment Petersime has published a scientific brochure on embryonic development
The brochure describes how the three most important

 environmental factors - temperature, CO2/O2 levels, and

 humidity - influence embryonic development and how they

 evolve during the complex process of incubation.

 Furthermore, it explains how Petersime’s four Embryo-

Response Incubation™ technologies guarantee a constant

 interaction between these environmental factors and the

 developing embryo (CO2NTROL™ for the correct CO2levels

, OvoScan™ for temperature, DWLS™ for humidity and

 Synchro-Hatch™ for a short hatch window).

The brochure contains a wealth of in-depth scientific

 information, including detailed photographs and the results

 of the most recent incubation trials. This makes it a

 fascinating reference work for anybody closely or remotely

 involved in incubation. The brochure was established in

 cooperation with the biotechnology department of the

 University of Leuven.

"Petersime has always invested heavily in scientific research

, and will continue to do so in the future. Only by thoroughly

 understanding every aspect of embryonic development can

 we continue to optimize the process of industrial

 incubation," says Hugo De Ruyck, Sales and Marketing

 Manager at Petersime. "We are particularly proud of this

 brochure since it explains this extremely complex biological process in a clear language, making the knowledge accessible to hatchery managers all over the world."

Lagi - lagi tentang suara burung wale!!

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